What is the business model of fantasy apps and How to Make Money from it?
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Hello friends, welcome to my website https://meratemplate.com/. In today's post, I am going to tell you, what is the business model of Fantasy Apps and how to earn money from it? Read our post till the end to know about it.
See friends, if you all also want your own fantasy cricket app Dream11 type app. Because we all know this very well, the earning in such applications is very high. Because after the arrival of Dream11 app, there are many apps like Dream11. But before making Fantasy Apps, if you want to understand its business model, then read this post till the end.
First of all, let us understand, what is the business model of these Fantasy Apps?
See friends, the business model of all these Fantasy Apps is like this, you create a team in this Fantasy App, the game will start. You can easily earn ₹50 to ₹1 crore. This thing started from Rs 50 to Rs 100. Gradually it reached thousand rupees. When you won, there was a desire to earn more and if you did not win, brother, you wanted to recover the loss, this thing increased from Rs 50 to Rs 100 and gradually it reached thousands. By doing this, a person gets ruined, because all these companies spend so much on their marketing that they do not have money to pay the common man. All these big companies earn lakhs and crores of rupees from your user's money.
See friends, you can earn money by playing games in this, but it is very less, which is much less than you think. And there is another way, you can earn money by making your own Fantasy App like Dream11 by making people play games, in which you can give good money to all those people and you can give money by sharing the App with common people only. This will be an advantage, those who are young, have many children and those who are economically weak will also get a genuine way through which they can earn money. Through this the poor man will earn money and not the rich man will become more wealthy.
Now let's talk, how can you earn good money from Fantasy App?
See friends, you can make money from Fantasy App in two ways. First of all, I will tell you the second way, if you want to earn more money from Fantasy Gaming Apps, you can earn money by making apps like Fantasy Game App and making people play, because in this you are becoming the owner of the game and after becoming the owner of the game. You can earn money by connecting people and playing it. When you create a game, you can do all the controls of your game from the admin panel. You all know that such applications earn a lot in the name of Platform Charge.
See friends, this is the first way in which you can earn money by playing games. The second way is that, you can make people earn money by playing games, you can earn money in both the ways, but the way of earning money in both of them is like heaven and earth.
Now let's talk, how can you create your own Fantasy App Like Dream11?
See friends, to create your own Fantasy App Like Dream11, you can see the demo on my website meratemplate, we have created an application like Dream 11 which you will like very much. You can see its demo, the link of which is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql6pgNNZiro Friends and if you like it then you can contact us directly. Things will be shown and made to you at a very reasonable price. Friends, if you go to the market, the development cost of dream11 app will cost you at least six to seven lakh rupees. But if you contract with us, you will be given an application like dream 11 at a very reasonable price. You will see our contact details below.
See friends, if you want to make any apps or make a gaming website, then you can see the demo of your favorite app for free on meratemplate. After seeing the app demo, if you want, you can also tell your requirement and change it and make it as per your requirement. If you liked this post then do like the post. Friends, if you want to get any template base application made or requirement base application made, then you can call me on the number given below.
Thank you friends, see you in the next post.
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